Standard Diameter Bonded Polyster Gel-Filled and BOPP Wrapped Winding Wire for Submersible Motor-Pumps

PolyPlus Winding Wire has excellent, Electrical, Mechanical, Thermal & Chemical properties.


Low Moisture absorption/water seepage through joints: The Primary Polyester Gel resists water/moisture penetration. This increases the IR value for continuous operation even at elevated temperatures.

Less Leakage Current: BOPP Tape with Pe-2 inside has constant & many times higher insulation resistance at the boiling point of water and the current leakage is very less, even at high Centrifugal Pressure

Increased softness/modulus of elasticity: PolyPlus is at least 10% more softer than conventional Tape wrap wires and hence is easier to wind without putting too much stress on the wire.

Dielectric Strength: The multiple layer construction ensures high dielectric strength.

Withstands 130ºC Temperature: For short period +105ºC & continuous -40ºC to +105ºC.

More Mechanical Strength: PolyPlus insulation is remarkably resistant to cut through & Scratch abrasion and ensures greater cut through stress and general abuse.

Tear Resistant: The structure of insulation (BOPP) is oriented bi-axially hence the propagation of tear is difficult.

IMPORTANT Polygel winding wire is a definite improvement over Poly Wrapped wire. The seamless & polymer filled gel layer maintains Dielectric strength even at elevated temp.